Gólyafészek Restaurant
It was established 1998
Gólyafészek Restaurant is one of the gastronomical patches of Pápa. It was established in 1998 by my parents. Its location is 45, Jókai Street, Pápa. In the past twenty years the restaurant has been developed itself to a family enterprise. During this period of time our main aim was a continuous renewal. We adapt our wide selections to our customers’ needs and the dynamically improving European trends. Beside the Hungarian cuisine you can find international dishes in our menu as well. The interior of our restaurant is in harmony with its atmosphere. This place is a popular venue of family occasions, gatherings or company events too. We strive to maintain constant quality, hoping that with the harmony of our dishes and the flattering attention of our colleagues gain the appreciation of our dear customers. One of the most important appreciation is the satisfied customer for us. Sharing the thoughts of the Hungarian gastronomical star Károly Gundel: ’ I cannot define myself as a keeper of a restaurant who sells simply food and drink for money, more like a Hungarian host, whose guests’ visit to his house is a great honour.
Balázs Németh